Poonam bajwa is an south Indian film actress.she first debut in telugu film is “IDE NAA MODHATI CENIMA”. Her success rate is low.
Full Length Profile of POONAM BHAJWA
Birth Day : April 5. Vizag, at 3 years of age they sifted to mumbai.
Nick Name : Dally,but her father calls her as Doll. His cousin calls her as
Dally sing. But she fights with him.
Height : 5 Feet 6 inches.
Education : she completed in B.A in wadiyaa university in PUNE.
Sexy appeal : she don’t know because no one can tell Her sexy appeal.
Family : Father,Mother,Sister.Her sister was more beautiful that her .
Her Father was a captain in merchant navy.Mother house wife.
Hobbies : reading books. She is lazy. So she cant watch movies.
Favorite Colour : Red,White.
Favorite Food : She dies for spicy food & also likes Mongolian,chines dishes.
Favorite perfume : Cool Water.
Favorite place : Mauritius, kerala, any natural places .
Favorite car : Toyota Carolla.
Favorite Movie : “JO JITHO VAHI SIKINDAR”(hindi movie). This is her all
Time Favorite film.Recently she also like “CHAK DE INDIA”
Iqbal , sadma films.
Favorite Hero : Nazaruddhin sha.
Favorite heroine : Tabu , Shabana Ajmi.
Favorite TV shows : Medical detectives in discovery chanel.
Dream role : she want to act as spilt personality girl.
Likes in others : honest, respective nature with elders.
Dislikes in others : un respective ness .
For beauty : she walks thrice in a week.
Role model : her self only.
Life goal : finish every started work in life.