Twinkle Khanna the wife Akshya kumar was one of the famous actresses in her time. Her debut film .
Full Profile of Twinkle Khanna :
Nick name:Tina
Full Profile of Twinkle Khanna :
Nick name:Tina
Date of birth : 29/12/1974
Birth place :pune
Star sign : Capricorn
Height :5 ft 4inches.
Family : Dimple Kapadia, Rajesh Khanna,
Married To Akshay Kumar (bollywood Actor) and had a son Arav Bhatia.
Profession :Modeling and Acting
Favorite colour : white .
Favorite dish :Any paneer dishes.
Favorite dress: Pyjamas
Favorite location: Dubai, London, Mauritius.
Favorite movie : The shining.
Favorite hero : Bradd pitt,Amir khan,Sanjay dutt.
Favorite heroin :Nargis and Mudhabala
Hobbies : reading books and knitting
Sex appeal : eyes and long legs.
Titiles won :Best Debut.