Amir Khan in And As Ghajini Hindi Movie Exclusive Preview:
& amirkhan ghajini wallpapers in new looks.
Ghajini is the Hindi adaptation of the Tamil film Ghajini to be directed by A. R. Murugadoss and produced by famous tollywood producer and brother in law of Megastar cheeranjeevi .The film is inspired by the critically acclaimed film Memento by Christopher Nolan, with the common theme of the protagonist suffering from anterograde amnesia or short term memory loss and seeking revenge for his wife's murder. The Tamil and Telugu version was done by Tamil superstar Surya . He got many best actor awards for this film. The Hindi version is done by perfectionist AMIR KHAN. He worked hard to get that look and six pack look for the film. He also got injured so many times during the shooting of Ghajini. It took around two years to complete the film. The climax varies a little from the Tamil and Telugu ghajini . Amir khan had a different look in this film and A different role that differ from all his films. Almost the film had done more than hundred corer business for the rights only. Asin from south India is the heroin of this film . she done the same role in orginal Tamil ghajini. She had different look from the original version that suits the bollywood. This ghajini hair style was mega hit in India . this style was banned Bangalore due to security & law & order problems. How ever ghajini was creating a sensation in India before releasing .

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