Nandita Das the hottest & most award wining senior actress in Indian films . she is mostly popular in the award wining movies . she acted all Indian language films.
Here the Profile of Nandita Das.
Here the Profile of Nandita Das.
Birth Day : 07-11-1969.
Birth Place : Delhi .
Height : 5 Feet 5 inches.
Education : degree in geography & P.G in social work in Delhi University.
Sexy Appeal : Her Eyes & Smile.
Hobbies : Painting , reading books , listening Music .
Family : Mother ( writer) , Father.
Languages Known : Orriya , Hindi , English.
First Movie : Parinithi .
Favorite Food : Indian dishes .
Favorite car : Any on from fiat .
Favorite Clothes : sarres .
Favorite Hero : Amitab bachan.
Favorite heroine : Any heroin in India.
For beauty : Eats healthy food.
Life goal : To establish a quality education school.
Life philosophy : Live , let them Live.